In addition to having a Facebook Group for the whole UK inflatable hire industry – the BIHA also has a smaller Facebook Group for BIHA members ONLY.
The BIHA “Tip of the Week”, and various ideas, hints and tips etc. (only to be read by BIHA members) will be posted in this Group.
Also, housekeeping points, for example checking directory listings (and back-links) on the various BIHA websites will be mentioned.
In addition, the popular “Spotlight on an Inflatable Hire Company” will also be posted from time to time on this “Members-Only” FB Group.
BIHA Members Only Facebook Group
If you are not yet a BIHA member – then please apply to join by completing the following enquiry form.
Request a BIHA information pack by first class post.
We will then rush you out an information pack and also an enrolment form by first class post.
Alternatively, you can JOIN THE BIHA TODAY via PAYPAL – Just £35 per year.
Or Join Now by Direct Debit £35 Per Year 
or alternatively for £2.99 per month 
(Please note that we expect all members to abide by our Code of Ethics – see: Code of Ethics )